
Futura develops own PC based software to connect different equipment or gadgets to PC. Main function of software to program a particular cable / wiring harness for assembly / navigation or testing purpose. Programming is user friendly and also generates connections in form of report for easy wiring of board / rig / jig.

These are to be installed on a windows based PC system with minimum windows 7 version.

Softwares are upgraded for enhanced functionality and any bug fixing.

Feel free to contact directly or raise a ticket for a bug or any other improved feature.

Some softwares like HAAP Editor need a key to install. Key will be supplied after machine number generated by software is informed us.

  1. 1. HAAP (Harness Assembly Aid with Pull)

    Updates for PC Based ‘HAAP’ software HAAP Editor : Download

  2. 2. FACT (Futura’s Advanced Continuity Tester)

    PC Based Software for FACT 512 (FACT 256), FACT Editor : Download

    PC Based Software for FACT1024 (FACT 128), FACT128 : Download

    3. PHTM / PHTML

    PC Based Software for PHTM / PHTML, FTE Editor : Download

    4. HTPC (Harness Tester PC Based)

    Steps to Install:

    1. Download and install setup

    2. Download and install Upgrade

    HTPC Softwares (View, Editor): Download

fact with modular board image

All products are designed and manufactured in India.


© Copyright 2024 Futura Apsol Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.