Product Readme / Getting Started

  • Unpack and check material inside the box as per packing list.
  • Refer users manual / video manual from pen drive if it is a part of equipment.
  • Prepare Test system by connecting cables as per manual.
  • Carry out board check of each point of test board.
  • To validate test system, LEARN sample harness and confirm number of learnt points.
  • TEST same harness. Generate and confirm faults.
  • PC side software is required to create harness program and to transmit program and label data from PC to tester.
  • After validating test system, start testing production harnesses.
Product List
How to give Authority to pendrive.
  • Run Futura FACT Editor Software which is given in CD or pen drive with tester.
  • Connect Pendrive to Computer to which authority is to be given.
  • Open FACT Editor.
  • Click on setting – user setting – add.
  • Type authority name, password & save it.
  • Click on setting – Authority – burn database in pendrive.
  • If USB device is found then click on Yes.
  • Click on ok for further options.
  • Click on setting – Authority – Assign Pen Drive Authority.
  • If USB device is found then click on Yes.
  • Select required authority and click on Assign.
  • Now pendrive is assigned for given authority.
How to learn Harness
  • Connect testing board to tester.
  • Mount sample harness to be learnt on board.
  • Switch ON the Tester.
  • Select required Program No. & press enter.
  • Select SETUP menu and press enter.
  • Select FCT-DATA and press enter.
  • Select LRN DATA and Press Enter.
  • Points get learnt and number of points learnt will be displayed.
  • Confirm if correct numbers of points are learnt.
  • Tester will ask DELETE REMAINING FCT DATA?
  • By pressing ESC key previous FCT data except harness data will remain.
  • By pressing ENT key previous FCT data will delete.
  • Go back to MAIN MENU and select TEST and press enter.
  • Display will be REMOVE CABLE. Remove harness from board.
  • Display will be PUT CABLE.
How to make FCT File
  • Generate new FCT file from FACT editor software.
  • Open generated FCT file from saved location.
  • Fill up following information which is given in bold letters and save.
  • This is basic information require for FCT file.
  • To fill up (2 Stage data, BAR1, BAR2, CPLR data) refer manual.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!--FCT File Version = 1.1-->








0001 0002

0003 0004










Futura Apsol PVT.LTD.

Sample Harness

Tested OK











<DETAILS>Sample Harness</DETAILS>


How to increase number of points i.e. capacity of tester?

Capacity of FACT256 is maximum 256 points. If tester has less number of I/O cards than its maximum capacity, it can be increased by adding an I/O card in the next available slot or after 256 points same encloser Can connect to existing tester increase points.

Tester remains in receiving mode even after transmitting data from PC.
  • Check connection of serial cable, one end to PC and other end to tester.
  • Replace serial cable.
  • Check communication port number selected on PC software and it is connected and working. (COM port, com1 / com2 etc.)
  • If problem persists
  • Remove serial cable from back side of tester.
  • Connect 9 pin ‘D’ serial dongle to tester which is given with tester.
  • Select SETUP menu and press enter.
  • Select DIAGNO menu and press enter.
  • Select RS232 menu and press enter.
  • If serial test is pass then problem is in PC side.
  • If serial test is fail then open the tester.
  • Check weather MAX232 IC is heating at the time of communication.
  • If problem found in the IC then replace it.
  • Send CPU PCB to Futura for repair.
While testing harness in 2 stage if tester shows no points in 2nd stage then do as follows.
  • Instead of learning harness data in both stages transmit harness data file from P.C.
  • Upgrade software to latest one
FACT shows data error after transmitting FCT file from pendrive.
Check card selection setting in FACT Editor software.
Less points get learned.
  • Remove harness from mounting board.
  • Select board check option on tester.
  • Take board check for every point on board.
  • There should be single point for every number.
  • If some point is not showing any number then check cable.
Label data not printing after passing the harness.
  • Check print label setting is On or Off for selected Program number.
  • If yes, then connect another working printer with its working cable.
  • If problem persists,
  • Select SETUP menu and press enter.
  • Select FCT-DATA menu and press enter.
  • Select DEMO-LBL menu and press enter.
  • If problem persists,
  • Connect Dot Matrix printer to take test print.
  • Select SETUP menu and press enter.
  • Select DIAGNO menu and press enter.
  • Select PARALLEL menu and press enter.
  • If Test Print will come then tester is OK.
  • If problem persists, open the tester.
  • Replace IC 74HC244 or send CPU PCB to Futura for repair.
After passing a harness tester displays “Remove Cable”. Even after removing cable, tester does not display “Put Cable”.
  • It means that tester finds some points internally shorted even if harness is removed.
  • Conduct self test after removing harness from the board. Tester will display shorted points. Check these points on the board.
  • If problem persists, separate board from tester at board end and conduct self test. Check for shorted points from tester to board.
  • If problem persists, remove cable from back side of the tester and conduct self test. Check for shorted points and replace appropriate I/O card.
After mounting harness on testing board instead of testing the harness tester shows PUT CABLE only.
  • It means that tester dose not found any connection on board.
  • Select BRD check option in main menu and check weather tester shows any points or not.
  • If points are not shown (Display is BRD 0000) then check interface cable and Interface PCB connection.
  • Remove FRC cable from back side of tester and conduct board check directly to points of I/O cards.
  • If board check is coming properly then open the tester from bottom side. Also open Bezel (Black colour plate on which LCD is mounted). Then you can see FACT Mother Board PCB. On this PCB check JP1 connector (which is below 10 pin FRC connector) is shorted by short link or not. It must be shorted.

All products are designed and manufactured in India.


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